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Study Materials

  When shedding , I have various study materials I use.  Many of these materials are things that I've created, such as multiple scale fingerings.  For example, I will take a phrygian dominant scale, and write out 2-octave and 3-octave fingerings for it.  I have dozens and dozens of these types of scale fingerings. And there are chord voicings and fingerings.  These are usually not so much chords in the typical sense; they're harmonic structures of my own creation with various fingerings. Other materials are what I'll call method books, even though some books in this category aren't truly method books.  Two examples that are currently on my music stand are: Polyrhythmic and Polymetric Studies - Dusan Bogdanovic.  This is a fantastic book for learning polymetric and polyrhythmic concepts.  It's designed for guitarists.  An effective and impactful route to changing your thinking.  Not an easy book, but so fascinating and helpful.  This...

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