For various reasons, November is always a special month. It has a unique look, feel, and texture. One of which is how November reveals and displays many of the browns and greys in nature. These are subtle colors and textures that are often overlooked during the more colorful months. The structure of trees are revealed. I like seeing the growth patterns and directions of trees, and November makes that possible.
I think that during the month of November, the pieces I write and record take on a different direction, or consist of a different fabric than in other months. Not that I can define or quantify it any further than that, but it's a palpable feeling.
I love walking and hiking in November, as I feel immersed in all those deep textures and structures.
If I could somehow transform and translate those colors and textures onto manuscript paper or recording tape, I'd feel that in some small way I've done my job.
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