Registers, part 3

In a recent recording session, I was using the 24, 28, and 36.  The 36 has 24-fret fingerboards; the 24 and 28 only 20-fret fingerboards.  It's a major difference.  

There were times with the 24 and 28 that I was running out of fingerboard.  I've never previously felt this.  Maybe it was because I started the session using the 36 and then switched over.  Not sure.

At the time, it was a bit of a limitation.  I've not felt that limitation since, but it has me thinking about getting my luthier friend to add fingerboard extensions to the 24.  If so, I don't think I'd stop at 24 frets; I'd likely go to 27, bringing it up to high G.  

I've never seen an added fingerboard extension.  Not sure what I'll do, if anything, but it's an intriguing thought.  




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